ADI National Joint Council (ADI NJC)
Graham Feest is currently the Road Safety Advisor for the ADI National Joint Council
The ADINJC is a national association run by ADIs on a not-for-profit basis. They work tirelessly to inform, represent and support their members, and to promote the interests of the profession. Established in 1973, the ADINJC is one of the leading National Driving Instructor Associations in the UK. It acts as a focal point uniting local driving instructor associations and groups, providing a strong united voice representing the views of members to the DVSA and other bodies.
Institute of Master Tutors of Driving (IMTD)
Graham Feest is currently the President of the Institute of Master Tutors of Driving
The Institute of Master Tutors of Driving (IMTD) is a UK based, international organisation that has within its members some of the most experienced, highly qualified and successful road safety practitioners and Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs). Being a member of IMTD gives those involved in the industry several benefits in furthering their knowledge of relevant driver training and road safety matters as well as being able to network with the best in the industry.
The RichWorks
Graham Feest is the Head of Road Safety for The RichWorks.
The RichWorks (The Route Into Construction and Highways Works) is a single online source of construction and highways information which caters for the needs of private enterprise, government organisations, industry professionals and even students or those considering entering into a new career path. It is an independent, non-competitive website that provides the things you need to know about construction and highways in the UK.