
In summary

Director – The Graham Feest Consultancy
President of the Institute of Master Tutors of Driving  (IMTD)
Road Safety Advisor to the ADI National Joint Council  (ADINJC)
Head of Road Safety  – The Rich Works

Graham Feest Photo
Photo of Graham Feest

Graham is a UK based Road Safety Consultant.   He is an experienced Road Safety Practitioner starting his career with Worthing Borough Council in 1974.   In 1984 he moved to West Sussex County Council where he became Senior Road Safety Officer with specific responsibilities for Education Development.   He was appointed County Road Safety Officer for Northamptonshire in 1989 a post, which he held until May 2001 joining the Institute of Advanced Motorists as Head of Road Safety until the end of 2003.   He is qualified to teach at both Further and Adult Education Centres.

He is  President of the Institute of Master Tutors of Driving which involves him in a management role and the Road Safety Advisor to the ADI National Joint Council.   He is also a member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety and serves on their Road User Behaviour Working Group.

Graham Feest at the AIRSO Blue Light Conference in 2015

In addition he is an Honorary Life Member of the Association of Road Risk Management, Honorary Member of the Institute of Large Goods Vehicle Driving Instructors, and a Fellow of the Institute of Master Tutors of Driving.  He spent 12 years as Chairman of the UK National Road Safety Committee, from which he retired in May 2023. He has been Vice Chairman of the Local Authority Road Safety Officers Association (now Road Safety GB), a past Secretary and founder member of the Association of National Driver Improvement Scheme Providers and a former member of the Prince Michael Road Safety Awards Advisory Panel.   He was a member of the Steering Committee set up to develop the Driving for Better Business Programme.

He was honoured by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents in 2004 with an Award for Distinguished Service in recognition of his outstanding contribution to road safety.

He has business interests in the Richworks Ltd, as well as being their Road Safety Advisor – a single online source that offers a fast direct route into many aspects of construction and highways.

Graham spent 25 years as Secretary of AIRSO (Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers) initially alongside his other employment and for twelve years running the Association as part of his consultancy.   He relinquished that appointment in March 2016.

He spent over sixteen years as Youth Club Leader of Offington Park Methodist Church followed by time as Junior Church Superintendent.   In addition he has been a Superintendent of St John Ambulance at both Cadet and Adult level. Graham is also President of the Pathfinder Cricket Club and has been involved in the club since the day he was born.

Appreciation of services to the ADINJC – March 2024
(Presented by Charles Moffat – Chairman of ADINJC)
