Driving for Work
The most dangerous activity which everyone faces in their life on a daily basis is travel and in particular driving. Any organisation has both a legal and moral duty to ensure it takes every possible action to reduce the risks associated with those who travel in the course of their work.
The Graham Feest Consultancy can provide the necessary help, guidance and support to all businesses looking to implement within their overall health and safety requirements an effective position on road risk management and safety.
We will help businesses and organisations in the private, statutory and voluntary sectors along with those who responsible to develop, implement and review best practice and policy relating to reducing the road risk to management and staff.
It will assist you in a variety of ways such as:
- Develop the right policies and practices to meet both the needs and circumstances of your business and its employees
- Develop bespoke drivers handbooks/guidance which will both make all road users safe and compliment your business performance
- Provide persuasive arguments to your Boards of Directors about the liabilities they face and the overall cost benefits of having in place measures which reduce the likelihood of injury to employees or third parties whilst enhancing the performance of the organisation and lessen the likelihood of prosecution
As a third party we are appropriately placed to encourage a positive and active relationship between management and staff of such safety benefits and reduction risk. This we can do by co-ordinating any management/staff liaison meetings. We can also organise and run interactive seminars and workshops to educate and inform all within the organisation about the importance their participation and the benefits they will derive from their positive involvement.