The Graham Feest Consultancy is able to offer support to associations and organisations that have difficulties in managing specific activities and tasks due to resources and time restraints or simply cannot identify anyone prepared or willing to take on responsibilities in a given area.
- Maybe you are a membership organisation which needs someone to look after your membership register in terms of enrolling new members and managing the process of the annual or anniversary renewal – a time consuming task and often more easily resolved if and expedited if dealt with by a third party when it comes to getting annual fees paid?
- Maybe you have a special anniversary activity or event which needs organising but do not have the resources to bring it all together and working with a third party will deliver what you want for the benefit of your members and the wider population?
- Maybe you need help with the organising of your annual general meeting?
- Maybe we can help you with regard to your accounting procedures as notably organisations find it difficult to find anyone to be the treasurer?
- Maybe we could provide a central contact point for referrals and for people requiring additional information about your organisation, providing a telephone number which can be published as well as an address?
It should be noted that The Graham Feest Consultancy would not be prepared or wish to become involved in the general day to day running or strategic policy or practice of any Association or Organisation over and above any specific task, serve on any committee(s) or hold position as a trustee for any charity. It would also not wish to be representing any organisation in any external way. Within this context it recognises that from time to time during any piece of work or project it might be necessary to report in writing or in person to the organisations governing body.
If we can be of help either in the short or longer term then please contact The Graham Feest Consultancy to arrange a meeting to discuss your needs and requirements in order that reasonable and favourable terms can be agreed.